

 努力克制自己 不讓自己成為自己曾經很討厭的那種女人 或許我該慶幸,我們沒有成為彼此最熟悉的陌生人 這樣,這輩子就可以一直是朋友 謝謝你還願意借我耳朵,只是,我已失去繼續打擾你的資格

L•O•V•E ¿¿¿

Growing up, I thought I know what love is. Love is how someone make their partner feel and what someone is willing to do for you. Love is when your heart skips a beat everytime when you think of that special someone. Love is accepting the person for who they are. Love is trusting someone with your whole heart. Love is the willingness of sacrifice. Love is taking risk. Love is....... Love is....... Love is....... When I started dating, when I go through relationships... it becomes harder and harder to understand what love is. I've experience how love is also anguish, heartache and so, so much hurt. 😢 Although I understands the fact that  no one can make us happy if we cannot make ourselves happy, but it is almost instinctive that we look towards our partner to bring us a certain joy, a certain happiness. It sucks when the only person who can make you feel better is also the reason why you always cry. #whatislove #idontknowanymore #imlost #leavemealon...


真正的委屈, 不是心碎的痛哭流涕, 而是含著淚依然堅持, 依然努力。 *深呼吸*  嗯,你赢~ #加油


你问我,什么是爱? 我不懂 我只能回答你说, 我爱你的方式,就是让你赢。 曾经的坚持, 从前的信念, 都变得不重要了。 信念与坚持 VS 你 我选你♡


没有"爱"的爱情,还能叫爱情吗??? #有一种心情叫巧克力很苦 #最近看到爱心图案 #心都会揪着一团


My Sakaiiiii Darling, 8 days have gone by too fast. This is one of the best trip in my life indeed. Is the first time, me & you get to spend our time together as a couple, get to understand each other better.You were charming, kind, and charismatic, and I couldn't help but be drawn to you. There are so many wonderful things to thank you for that I don't even know where to begin. Words will never do it justice, but I can try, right? 1.Thank you for putting me in my place -because sometimes I actually might be acting a little too harsh (or stubborn) about things that I don't like, even if I'll never admit it (sorry, not sorry.) I always appreciate your honesty, even when it's something that's hard to hear. 2. Thank you for knowing how to handle me- or at least for pretending like you know how to, and doing an excellent job of it. I know I'm not always the easiest person to deal with, but you settle me down and make me smile in a way that...


16012017 亲爱的,对不起,我又跟你抬杠了。 终于,理出了我不安全感的源头。 在一起的两个月里,我每一次闹别扭, 你都会不厌其烦的哄回我 我说过会令我不开心的每一件事,你都会顺着我的意思去改,去迁就,去包容我。 宁可委屈自己,宁可改变自己, 就只想为搏红颜一笑 。 你觉得,这是你证明你爱我的举动,想令我开心,证明我在你心目中的地位不轻。 可是,这并不是我想要的。 或许早几年前的我,会被你这举动深深地感动到。恨不得你永远都这样宠着我。 但我已经是一个 30岁的女人。 经过了那么多,我深深了解到一个人的忍耐度是有限的。 我要的,不是一个处处忍让我,一味盲目改变自己只为了减低会跟另一半吵架机率的男人。 这世界上没有永远的包容,更没有永无止境的容忍。 长期如此,内心积压的情绪问题会越来越多, 性格也会慢慢变得抑郁沮丧。 就如同不断充气的气球,终有一天要爆炸。 然后呢? 分手? 离婚? 还是找小三?  我想要的,是在大家意见分歧的时候, 彼此都能说出对事情的看法,表达自己的立场。(若偶尔不能心平气和,只要没有暴力冲突就好 😂) 了解彼此的看法与立场,再找出一个圆满的平衡点。 找不到平衡点,就试着去接受,毕竟世上没有完美的两个人。 若最后选择了包容/忍耐,就不要奢望/强迫对方会为你改变。因为这不是你所能控制的范围。 两个人在一起,全看我们愿意为对方牺牲的改变多少。 两个人有着共同的目标,想要为了彼此的幸福和未来努力。 就算兩人有不同的地方,但是彼此吸引、配合、找出相处的节奏和一起和谐生活的步调,互相補足彼此的不足,一起往幸福的方向前進。 从前,我是个刁蛮公主。 可如今,我想长大了。 我想做一个,让你真正打从心底爱上的那个女人。 我想要的,不只是你的甜言蜜语。 我要的,是你由衷的劝解与忠告。 让我慢慢进步,成为一个值得被爱的女人,再好好爱着你。 到那时,我不再没有安全感。 因为我知道,我符合了你爱人的条件。 而你也真的爱上了我,不会轻易离开。 你愿意,当我的北斗七星吗?